Amber Tudor

Amber lives in Washington with her wife, Maya, and two cats, Socks and Kitty. Juggling the stressful demands of life makes finding time to write a difficult, yet rewarding challenge.
She is still dealing with her trauma as it’s a constant battle that will plague her entire life, but managing her mental health symptoms has been much easier after releasing all of the pent up feelings that were trapped inside the dark depths of her brain for far too long.
My Books

Roots Before Branches
Coming December 2021
Roots Before Branches takes you through a personal narrative of the momentous hardships the author endured from adolescence to early adulthood. Dive deep into the highs and lows of childhood confidence, teenage angst, and adult personal growth. The emotional exploitation, sexual abuse, and loss of loved ones will bring you face-to-face with feelings you’ve never experienced before.
Available in paperback and eBook.
New Book Coming 2022
Stay Tuned
This book is in process. Stay tuned for updates!

“Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don’t forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth.”
~ Paula Danziger
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